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Low Vision Aid Service

Photograph taken by Martin Gaskell

Low Vision Aid Service

0 Reviews

Specialist Orthoptists from the Bury Community Eye Service provide magnifiers/aids to help with problems as a result of sight loss, when sight cannot be improved by medical treatment or ordinary spectacles. Magnifiers can be used to improve reading and other daily living skill difficulties. The magnifiers will be loaned to the client and advice will be given on the best way to use the aids.

This is a free service providing you are registered with a Bury GP. We will accept self referral to this service. Clinics are held at Townside PCC, Radcliffe PCC and Tottington Health Centre. 

Contact Details


Bury Community Eye Service

Telephone Number

0161 762 1692 0300 323 3316


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 26th January 2024

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