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Margaret Cook Reiki Therapist & Reiki Teacher

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Margaret Cook Reiki Therapist & Reiki Teacher

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Reiki is a form of energy healing for mind and body. Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy and it is the vital life energy which flows through all living things and can be activated for the purpose of healing.

As human beings we are comprised of electro-magnetic energy, and every cell in the body is vibrating at different rates depending upon their biochemical make-up. The levels of this life force in our bodies has an impact on our healing ability.

Ki or (life energy) helps to nourish the organs and systems of the body, supporting them in their vital functions and contributing to the healthy growth and renewal of cells. Our ability to absorb this life energy is not constant, and over time our body can become depleted. When this happens we become weaker and more prone to illness, and the ageing process. This life force (Ki) is present in all living beings and without it we would not be alive. When used in healing, it acts holistically affecting the energies which comprise the human body. 

I am a qualified Reiki Master and I trained with Penelope Quest (international author of several reiki healing healing books) and was taught Reiki techniques perfected over many years.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy and it is the vital life energy which flows through all living things and which can be activated for the purpose of healing. When used in healing, it acts holistically affecting the energies which comprise the human body.

Contact Details


Margaret Cook

Job Title/Position

Reiki Therapist

Mobile Number

07876 662272

Telephone Number

0161 763 7969

Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Open Monday to Friday 9am until 8pm and Saturday 9am to 6pm. I will respond to phone and email messages as soon as I can.

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning

Session Information

You are welcome to contact me about arranging a session


Referral Notes

When attending for a session wear comfortable loose clothing, nothing too tight or restricting that would prevent you from feeling relaxed.

You will be asked to remove your shoes.

Try not to eat a big meal beforehand as you will be lay on a therapy bed. 

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 8th March 2021

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