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Millwood Primary Special School

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Millwood Primary Special School

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Millwood School is the primary special school for Bury pupils aged 4-11.

Millwood has provision for children who have:

  • Autistic Spectrum Condition
  • Sensory processing needs
  • High dependency medical needs
  • Complex learning needs
  • Sensory needs
  • Challenging behaviour as a secondary need

The SEN team manages all admissions to Millwood School. Contact Carol Grunbaum on 0161 253 5642 for any information or query relating to admission.

Contact Details


Alison Wilkinson

Job Title/Position

School Business Manager

Telephone Number

0161 724 2266

Email Address


Local Offer


Millwood is an outstanding provider of education, see links to our OfSTED reports for  2009, 2013, 2017 in the other details section of this page. Currently, Millwood is building two new classrooms to meet the growing numbers of children needing places.

Millwood School provides education for children in Reception up to Year 6. The Radcliffe-based school was rebuilt entirely in 2012 and currently has 138 pupils across all year groups. A School Council empowers children to effect change within school and in their local communities. Currently, Millwood is working towards achieving the Bury Inclusion Quality Mark and the National Inclusion Quality Mark.

Millwood works very closely with parents and carers to achieve the best learning outcomes for all children; parent governors represent the parent community in holding the school to account in maintaining its high standards of education and provision. Currently Millwood is working towards achieving the Leading Parent Partnership Award.

Children usually have an Education, Health and Care Plan on admission. Admission is through an annual Panel based on the learning needs of each child. Health needs are met by Pennine Care nursing team, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy. Care needs are met by Bury Children’s Disability Service and Bury Social Care.

The Millwood Project is an inclusion pathway which enables children to access specialist support and intervention at Millwood in order to promote return to the inclusive environment of the child’s mainstream primary school. Children and their support assistants typically attend Millwood for a half day each week for a half-term.

Millwood is the borough provider of behaviour support training, Team Teach, which focuses on de-escalation of challenging behaviour.

Through Bury Education, Support and Training Trust, Millwood provides a range of training for mainstream provision and other agencies.

Other education provision at Millwood School includes sensory integration, specialist communication, hydrotherapy, rebound therapy, lego therapy, phonics, sports, performance arts, after-school club.

Transition for pupils to Millwood takes place throughout the year; two Open Days in the autumn term for prospective parents and carers providing a high level of information about the school; links with the child’s current school or nursery placement; visits by Millwood staff to view the child’s provision and learning plans; 3 transition visits in the summer term for children to get to know their new class team before they are admitted in September. The autumn term also has a coffee morning and a parents’ evening for new parents and carers.

The curriculum at Millwood for statutory-aged children includes literacy and numeracy, science, PSHE, RE, PE Art, Music, Design and Food Technology, History, Geography, computing. Reception-aged children follow the Early Years curriculum. Children follow one of 3 pathways which match their learning needs best. Progress is tracked throughout the year and interventions and support are provided where progress dips. Achievement is celebrated in an annual awards ceremony.

Attendance is monitored daily and non-attendance is followed up with the Education Welfare Office. Teaching and learning are monitored throughout the year.

Millwood provides individual literacy and numeracy support for any child in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant; all children have access to high quality sports supported by the Sports Premium.

Policies and further information about Millwood are accessible on the school website.

To view our SEN Policy please click here

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

Referral for assessment/EHC Plan required: Yes – contact SEN team

General Notes

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Primary school age (5-11)

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 21st January 2025

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