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Moving On Together

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Moving On Together

0 Reviews

The group supports Former Long Term Carers following the loss of the person being cared for, either through death or because the person has had to go into long-term care.

This is a tremendously difficult time to go from 24 hours a day, 7 days a week caring to nothing. This alongside the pain of bereavement. Over time Carers have often become isolated and because of their caring role role experienced a loss of friendship and social activities.

The group gives former Carers better chances in their lives. Encouraging the ideals of a self-help group to enjoy the benefit of social contact the may find difficult to arrange.

It is hoped self-confidence grows and builds a tangible air of achievement in breaking down barriers. It must ne notes this is not a bereavement group but a way of MOVING ON TOGEHER to build a new life.

Contact Details


Moving On Together

Mobile Number

07510 435851


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

2nd Monday of each month

Time of Day


Session Information

The group also meet towards the end of each month for an outing


Eligibility Notes

Aimed at former long- term carers

Service Information



Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing

Eligibility Requirements?:

Links for information

Last updated 19th March 2024

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