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NCA Mountain biking for kids

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

NCA Mountain biking for kids

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Children’s MTB course (Age 10 to 16 years)

  • Bike check and set up A simple M Check which entails checking components on the bike to make sure it is going to perform to a safe standard while on the course, setting up the seat height and tyre pressures, checking the brakes.
  • Using the correct gears A brief CHAT about using gears correctly in different circumstances depending on terrain.
  • Braking control Using correct braking techniques while on the trails.
  • Body position The correct techniques required for descending and climbing.
  • Weight shift  Allowing your body to relax allowing the bike to move freely.
  • Slow speed control Learning to control your bike at slow speeds which will help you out of some difficult situations.
  • Front wheel lift Lifting the front wheel over small obstacles like rocks or logs while on the trails.

Contact Details


Martin Williamson

Job Title/Position

NCA MTB Co-ordinator

Mobile Number

07985 340 777

Telephone Number


Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

School holidays and weekends

Time of Day

Morning and afternoon

Session Information

All dates are on the NCA website, bookings can be made through our payment system

Costs & Bookings

Booking Information

Various mountain bike activities are on offer, different costs apply

Service Information

Booking Required?:

Links for information







Last updated 21st February 2025

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