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North West Community Services

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

North West Community Services

0 Reviews

North West Community Services provide domiciliary support to people in their own homes. We use a person centred  approach to support planning in order for us to deliver the type of support suited to the person, and to ensure that we respect each person’s uniqueness, their personal needs and preferences, and treat individuals with respect to enhance  their quality of life, well-being and happiness.

We also provide supported living. Supported living is a way of providing housing and support to help people with a disability to lead independent and fulfilling lives in their own home.  Support is tailored to individual needs and can be during the day, in the evening, overnight and/or at weekends, using detailed person centered planning and focused personal assistance.


Contact Details


Jenny Beirne

Job Title/Position

Service Manager

Telephone Number

0161 320 9060



Referral Notes



Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65)

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 18th November 2020

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