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Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Paladin National Stalking Advocacy Service

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Definition of Stalking

A pattern of unwanted, fixated and obsessive behaviour which is intrusive and causes fear of violence or serious alarm or distress.

Stalkers usually use a range of ways to stalk their victims both physically e.g. following, intimidation and entering locations where the victim is, as well as digitally enabled methods including spy technology on devices such as computers and phones, messaging via email and WhatsApp etc. and accessing or using social media sites to contact or intimidate victims.

See Stalking Clearly #NSAW2020 #SeeStalkingClearly #YouAreNotAlone

The theme is See Stalking Clearly to ensure stalking victims are still visible and supported throughout the response to Covid19 through the National Stalking Helpline, police and other vital services such as Paladin.

  • It is vital that stalking remains a priority for the police and the criminal justice system
  • It is vital that stalking services remain funded
  • It is vital that early warning signs aren’t ignored and that victims feel able to ask for help from these services at an early stage before risk escalates
  • It is vital we build a nationwide network of trained accredited ISAC’S to ensure victims of stalking receive the support they need and deserve regardless of which area they live in

Impact of COVID-19

Stalking will persist despite Covid19. Risk remains high as the fixation and obsession of perpetrators is unlikely to be affected by the restrictions of lockdown

  • Victims are feeling MORE isolated at this time
  • Behaviours may move more online and this could trigger different but equally serious fears in victims and consequent mental health impacts which we know can in some cases result in suicide
  • Physical behaviours meanwhile are enabled by knowing victims’ whereabouts and using the excuse of legitimate shopping or exercise to access them
  • Children may also be used as an excuse for greater interaction/contact

Contact Details

Telephone Number

020 3866 4107

Service Information



Links for information

Last updated 9th April 2021

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