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Prestwich and Whitefield Probus Club

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Prestwich and Whitefield Probus Club

0 Reviews

Probus Clubs are aimed at those who have are retired.

The club meet on alternate Thursdays. There will be coffee/tea and biscuits from 10am and a welcome from a guest speaker at 10.30am, finishing about 11.45am.

The club have had a great variety of subjects including "The Building of the Manchester Ship Canal" and "Have guitar, will travel".

Contact Details


Peter North

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

0161 766 2677

Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Alternate Thursdays

Time of Day


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65)

Links for information

Last updated 5th June 2020

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