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Royal School Manchester
Royal School Manchester
0 Reviews
About Us:-
Royal School Manchester is a non-maintained independent special school. The school is Autism Accredited and has the skills and expertise in meeting the needs of young people aged 2 - 19 years with one or more of the following conditions:
§ Autism Spectrum Conditions,
§ Multi-Sensory Impairment
§ Hearing or Visual Impairment with additional needs
§ Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
§ Complex physical difficulties
§ Auditory Processing Difficulties
§ Additional medical needs including progressive or degenerative conditions
Contact Details
- Anne Gough
Job Title/Position
- Deputy Head of Royal School Manchester
Telephone Number
- 0161 610 0172
Email Address
Times & Dates
Date(s) Info
- Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 3pm
Time of Day
- Afternoon, Morning
Local Offer
If you wish to know what this school offers, please click on the link below and scroll down to the relevant document
Age Bands
- 16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years
Core Response Approved?
- Yes
Referral Notes
The school has expertise in working with young people with low-incidence special needs including Autistic Spectrum Condition, Deafblindness/Multi-Sensory Impairment, Hearing or Visual Impairment with additional complex needs and Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities.
The initial stages of the referral process include a visit to the site by the family, a review of their Statement or Education, Health and Care Plan and may also include a visit by Seashell to the young person in their current placement.
A multi-disciplinary assessment is undertaken on-site at Seashell and this forms the basis of our placement offer.
General Notes
Service Information
North West
Target Audiences:
Pre-school (0-5)
Support Groups:
Physical impairment, Learning difficulties, Autism, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Communication impairment
Links for information
Last updated 27th January 2025