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School Nursing Service

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

School Nursing Service

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The Bury School Nursing Teams offer health advice and support for all children attending Bury Schools and Colleges starting from Reception class age, until their 20th Birthday.  College pupils have open access to our service and can be referred at any point. Any children who are not enrolled at school at age 4 remain with the Health Visiting Service until their 5th Birthday.

The team is responsible for delivering the Healthy Child Programme and for supporting the individual health needs of families, as needed. We work closely with other community based services, schools, health and Social Care providers and voluntary sectors.

The School Nurse Teams-

Whitefield SN Team 0161206 6271

Prestwich SN Team 0161206 6272

Ramsbottom SN Team 0161 206 6287

Town Centre Team SN 0161 206 0692

Radcliffe SN team 0161 0161 206 7740 

Reception and Year 6 Children are offered the opportunity to take part in the National Child Health Measurement Programme.  This monitors growth and development and can help inform healthy lifestyle choices.

Medical Conditions Training for Schools is offered to all schools covering Asthma, Epilepsy and Anaphylaxis. Please contact your School Nurse Team to find out when the next sessions are running.

Vision Screening takes place for Reception children via the community eye service.

Hearing Concerns please contact your GP.

School Nurses carry out Health Assessments for children and young people and can refer to relevant health services if an unmet health need is identified. We receive referrals from Schools, GPS and other Health and Social Care providers.

School Nurses support children and young people with medical conditions, emotional health needs, special educational needs or disabilities ensuring they are able to attend school, remain in good health and thrive to the best of their ability. They work closely with partner agencies, carers and families to optimise health and well-being as well as advocating for access to education despite any additional challenges.

School nurses deliver a wide range of health promotion sessions in groups, assemblies or via one to one targeted interventions both in primary and high schools. Bespoke -Topics covered in High Schools; emotional health, equality and diversity, risk taking behaviour, healthy relationships, healthy lifestyle and puberty. A confidential High School drop in service is provided. Primary age children can also access emotional health support in group sessions or one to one- referrals are required. . Puberty sessions are delivered to Year 5 and 6 Children. Hand hygiene and Healthy life style sessions can be arranged for Primary Schools.

To find out more, please visit:

Local Offer

SEN Provision Type


Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

If you would like to refer a child or young person to our service please contact a member of the team and we can email a referral form to you-

All Schools should have copies of the referral form.

Eligibility Notes

All referrals are triaged- Once a referral has been triaged and accepted, referrers will be contacted with a proposal of the type of support interventions we may be able to offer.

Should a referral not meet eligibility- a reason will be sent to the referrer. It may be that a more targeted intervention from a specialist service may be more appropriate.

Service Information

Suitable for ages:



Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11), Parent carers, Primary and Secondary School Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (Sencos), teachers and teaching assistants, School staff within any of Bury's Primary schools

Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Links for information

Last updated 21st January 2025

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