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Secondary Partnerships

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Secondary Partnerships

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Background and Context

The Inclusion Partnerships were developed to provide a co-ordinated system of support and to increase capacity for meeting additional and special educational need within Bury’s schools. The Local Authority established four primary and two secondary Inclusion Partnerships following on from the Local Area Review and CQC inspection in 2016.

Age groups

The Secondary Partnerships work with students who are aged 11-16 and do not have Education Health and Care plans.

Partnership Areas

The two Secondary Inclusion Partnerships, North and South, are led by senior members of staff from the schools. 

North Partnership:

Tottington High School, Woodhey High School, Elton High School, St Gabriel's Roman Catholic High School, Bury Church of England High School and Hazelwood High School.

South Partnership: 

The Derby High School, Unsworth Academy, Philips High School, Parrenthorn High School, The Heys School and St Monicas Roman Catholic High School

To support the strategic development of these partnership the schools employ the Secondary SEMH Partnership Manager.


  •     The Partnerships take collective responsibility for all pupils who live in the Bury area, irrespective of where they are on roll.
  •     All school are committed to working collaboratively, in an open and transparent manner, in order to promote inclusion, prevent permanent exclusion and provide a high quality of education to all Bury Pupils who may be experiencing SEMH difficulties.
  •     All schools ensure that they are represented at Partnership meetings by senior staff who have full delegated responsibility for decision making.
  • As far as possible all decisions about the allocation of Partnership resources including student places take place through partnership meetings.

Partnership Practice and Support

Partnership meetings take place approximately once a month, with the panel comprising of a senior member of staff from each school, the Partnership manager, members of the Outreach Team, the SEND Support Service and other representatives from supporting services across the Local Area. These meetings aim to provide advice and support to schools to address the needs of pupils presenting significant challenges.

Referrals can be made for students who do not have and Education, Health and Care Plan to access a range of support which include:

  •     Support from Partnership Manager regarding individual pupil cases and development of whole school and targeted interventions.
  •     Support from the SEND Support Service and Partnership regarding the Inclusion Quality Mark
  •     Access to specialist support through the Multiagency Inclusion Panel
  •     Access to programmes and CPD commissioned and funded through the Partnership
  •     Facilitation of Managed Moves in order to provide young people with a fresh start.
  •    Advice and support with regard to the use of Alternative Provision

Contact Details


Nick Bell

Job Title/Position

Secondary Partnership Manager

Email Address


Local Offer

Contact Name

Nick Bell

Contact Email

Needs Level


SEN Provision Type



We are a local offer service, please contact us for further information 

Age Bands

11-15 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

Referrals are made through the young person’s school who would be required to complete a Partnership referral form which they would submit to the Partnership manager for consideration at the Partnership panel

The Secondary SEMH Partnership Manager

The Partnership Manager works across the two Partnerships in the north and south of the borough , whilst also working closely with Alternative Providers and other agencies such as the Police.

The purpose of this service is to lead and facilitate partnership working amongst schools and services in Bury in order to:

  • Work collaboratively with the local authority, Spring Lane School and mainstream schools, to strategically develop the continuum of provision for SEMH at Secondary level
  • Support with building capacity in schools for the inclusion of pupils with SEMH needs.
  • Develop and embed the Partnership structure and practices 
  • Facilitate networking across schools and partner agencies and represent the schools on key groups.
  • Establish and manage systems to deploy Partnership resources.
  • Support and challenge inclusive practice across the Partnerships
  • Identity CPD needs for schools across the Partnership
  • Take a lead on developing CPD across the Partnership
  • Ensure that efficient and effective processes are in place which identify pupils with SEMH needs and address vulnerability.
  • Support schools to develop provision and support for young people whose SEMH need is presenting significant challenges.

Eligibility Notes

This is a universal service for secondary schools only.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18)

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 17th September 2024

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