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Speech Link Multimedia Ltd

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Speech Link Multimedia Ltd

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Speech and Language Link empower SENCos, teachers and TAs in their work with Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) to ensure that every child is supported in realising their full potential. We do this through our range of online, speech and language packages which include assessments and interventions, and staff training and support.  


Each of our packages is tailored to a different age range, from reception to year 9. Our packages, created by our in-house team of speech and language therapists (SaLTs), are available to schools via annual subscriptions. The assessments are standardised and the 1:1 and small-group interventions accompanied by video guides presented by our SaLTs. Our SaLTs are contactable throughout the year via our Help Desk for direct support on using our assessments and interventions. 


Our packages are universal in that they support schools and their SaLT teams by providing a quick and easy way to assess ALL students. This enables early identification of SLCN and ensures that no student, even those with milder difficulties, falls under the radar and that those identified with severe needs, receive timely SaLT referrals.   

Our interventions and whole-class teaching strategies and lesson plans are designed around a ‘whole-school approach’, to develop the speech, language and communication skills and raise the attainment of ALL students, especially those who would not usually meet the SaLT referral criteria.  

Speech and Language Link’s aim is for all schools to have access to up-to-date SLCN information and resources for staff and families.   In addition to our packages, we offer SLCN information and advice via our termly magazine ‘The Link’, a monthly newsletter, blog-posts and termly staff training webinars. 


Find out if your school subscribes to one of our packages and how you can access our home-practice resources for families. 

Contact Details


Judith McMillan

Job Title/Position

Office Manager

Telephone Number


Email Address


Times & Dates

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning

Service Information



Last updated 20th June 2023

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