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St Saviours County Primary School

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

St Saviours County Primary School

0 Reviews

About Us:-

At St. Saviour’s we pride ourselves in being a ‘small school with a big heart’ as we continually strive to ensure that each and every child develops to achieve their full potential whilst having fun along the way!  Hence, our curriculum has been designed to enthuse and engage, promote high standards for all and ultimately ignite a life long love of learning within each child. Through this, our children are able to develop strong foundations on their journey to becoming independent, considerate and creative individuals who can play a full and constructive role in society.

Contact Details


Deanne Marsh

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

01706 877900


Local Offer


If you wish to know what this school offers, please click on the link below

SEND Policy

Age Bands

6-10 years

Core Response Approved?



General Notes

Service Information


North West

Links for information

Last updated 20th January 2021

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