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Step Change

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Step Change

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Free debt advice and debt management.

Our team of debt experts help 650,000 people a year to deal with their debt problems. With more than 25 years' experience, you can be confident that our advice is always based on what's best for you.

Our advice is free, impartial and confidential and we tailor our advice to your situation. We also provide a range of managed debt solutions and all the advice and support you need to help you deal with your debts.

Preparing for debt advice

To make sure the advice and solutions we offer are correct and tailored to your situation, we need to know more about your financial situation.

Our online debt advice tool guides you through everything we need to know about your situation. If you need more time you can save your progress and complete it later.

If you'd prefer to get advice over the phone, we recommend gathering information about your finances, including income, outgoings and debts, before you call us and having them to hand.

Follow the link to get free advice and your personal action plan now.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0800 138 1111

Service Information



Links for information


Step Change

Last updated 11th March 2022

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