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Street Soccer Academy Bury

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Street Soccer Academy Bury

0 Reviews

Street Soccer offers a coach education programme and personal development programme aimed at empowering participants through the development of practical and interpersonal skills.

The programme is peer led with emphasis on individuals taking on specific roles and responsibilities. The personal development aspect challenges learnt negative behavioural patterns and offers alternate perspectives, the aim being to effect long-term positive change to the lives of participants.

We offer a safe environment for people to come and develop themselves through the game of football and the coaching of football into more confident, healthier and motivated members of the community. 

Contact Details

Job Title/Position

Regional manager Bury/community development officer.


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

First day of session will be Monday 24th April 2017 and every Monday after this date. We will be meeting up at the venue at 12.00pm

Time of Day


Session Information

We will be meeeting up at the grounds for 12pm for a general chat and drink. Session will start at approximately 1pm and run upuntil approximately 3pm. The session will include a warm up session, coaching session and then a game of football at the end. Once the football is finished and all the equipment is put away courses will be offered out to anybody who is taking part in St Soccer.


Referral Notes

The referral process will be done by contacting the details above by either phone or e mail. The regional manager will then contact the person and invite them down to the centre to complete the relevant paper work and to go through the assessment. Referrals may only be sent by services in the Bury area for the Bury regional centre.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 31st March 2021

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