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Sunbeams Carer & Toddler Group

Photograph taken by Ryan Charlesworth

Sunbeams Carer & Toddler Group

0 Reviews

For children from birth to school age with parents, grandparents or carers. A place of safety where children can play and be with other children: enjoy craft activities and sing and where adults caring for young children can meet others for friendship and conversation and good coffee/tea and biscuits! Mondays 9.30am to11.30am

Contact Details


Mrs. Jill Taylor

Job Title/Position



Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Mondays 9.30am to11.30am

Time of Day



Referral Notes


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Pre-school (0-5)

Links for information

Last updated 31st March 2021

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