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Employers & Public Liability Insurance for those receiving Direct Payments funded Care & Personal Assistance

Here at, we have our customers' best interests at heart, and have teamed up with SAGIC (Salvation Army General Insurance Corporation) to create this insurance policy.

As the charity's main focus is to help those in need, we have designed this comprehensive cover at an affordable cost to protect you as the Employer of a PA/Carer.

If you have a Direct Payments funded Personal Assistant, you are regarded as an employer under UK law and have specific responsibilities to your employees. Things such as managing payroll, taxes and having the right insurance, are crucial things for you to consider. 

You can obtain personal health budgets as disability Direct Payments that allow you more freedom over the support you receive, for example;

  • Arranging Personal Assistance with specialist expertise
  • Ensure that the Personal Assistant is fluent in the same language
  • Opportunity to purchase things that offer independence such as Mobility Scooters and Wheelchairs.

Whether you have a managed or un-managed Personal budget, our policies provide the insurance cover that you are legally required to have if you employ Personal Assistants or Carers.

Our policy is comprised of Employers Liability, Public Liability & Legal Expenses, to provide cover against potential claims risks such as;

  • Claims against you in the event of injury to your employee
  • Claims against you/your employee in the event of injury to you or a third party
  • Claims against you/your employee as a result of damaged/lost property & more

With 3 different levels of cover with a range of benefits tailored to your needs with the aim to allow you to live life confidently. Some of these benefits are; emergency dental cover, motor theft, employee negligence, redundancy cover, travel, medical expenses & much more. 

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Customer Services

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01268 200 020


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Last updated 6th February 2024

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