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Take care of your teeth and gums NHS

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Take care of your teeth and gums NHS

0 Reviews

Do you want some more information on how adults and children can have healthy teeth and gums and keep those dental treatment to the minimum?

This NHS website gives advice which includes eating well, not smoking and limiting your alcohol and sugar intake. All helpful advice for your whole body!

Please visit Take care of your teeth and gums - NHS (

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Improvement Practitioner

Mobile Number


Email Address

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Adult carers, All ages, Parent carers, Young carers, Primary and Secondary School Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (Sencos), teachers and teaching assistants, School staff within any of Bury's Primary schools

Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing

Last updated 9th May 2022

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