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The Brothers of Charity Services - Greater Manchester Services

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

The Brothers of Charity Services - Greater Manchester Services

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Who are the Brothers of Charity?

The Brothers of Charity Services offer quality, innovative and price sensitive support to over 500 people with learning disabilities across the North West of England. The services that we offer include supported living; residential, nursing and respite care; supporting people with complex health and social needs; dementia care and transitional services including employment, social enterprise and volunteering options – enabling choice, control and increased independence.

The Brothers of Charity Services’ most important work is being undertaken in partnership with the people that use the service. We are fully committed to supporting people to independence through making choices and exert control over their own lives. The service is now able to offer greater diversity in the range of opportunities available to people, which in turn can only enhance their life chances, regardless of their religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation or race.

With the person at the heart of all we do, we provide a wide range of enabling support services to people with learning disabilities, and others at risk of being marginalised, which promotes their dignity, individuality, inclusion and the fulfilment of their potential.

The Brothers of Charity are an international organisation that engages in various social domains.

From their foundation in 1807, the Brothers of Charity took up their task in society: providing education and care to children, young people and adults. Again and again they chose the side of people who found no answer to their request for help elsewhere.

In this way the Brothers of Charity grew into a large congregational organization of brothers and lay collaborators.

The Brothers of Charity have monastic communities and initiatives in 30 countries around the world. They are most strongly represented in Africa and in Asia.

Type of service

  • Homecare agencies


  • Caring for adults over 65 yrs

  • Caring for adults under 65 yrs

  • Dementia

  • Eating disorders

  • Learning disabilities

  • Mental health conditions

  • Physical disabilities

  • Sensory impairments

  • Substance misuse problems

CQC register The Brothers of Charity Services - Greater Manchester Services to carry out the following legally regulated services here:

Personal care

  • Mr Darron Grundy is responsible for these services.

  • Mr Darren Richard Orme is the registered manager for these services at this location.

Contact Details


Darren Orme

Job Title/Position

Director of Operations

Telephone Number

0161 762 9295



Referral Notes

Referrals can be make with via telephone on 0161 762 9295 or email

Care Quality Commission Inspection

CQC Overall Rating


CQC Report Date

23 Oct 2019

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65), Adults under 65 years

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties, Mental health conditions, Dementia, Sensory Impairment

Links for information

Last updated 18th April 2024

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