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The Elms Outreach

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

The Elms Outreach

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The Elms Outreach service offers daytime support to adults aged 18 and over who have a Learning Disability.

We take a 'person centred' approach, and will support customers to develop the skills and knowledge needed to express themselves as a unique individual, and to feel confident within the local community. 

Based in Elms Community Centre, the service can support people to explore life's opportunities by accessing a range of different leisure activities, health services, community resources, education and employment services.

Day services operate a policy of 'local places for local people' and aim to provide support within your local community.

In addition, the service promotes the use of public transport and 'Ring & Ride' when accessing community activities.

The Day Service also endeavours to support families and carers in their caring role by offering advice, practical support and respite breaks away from their caring responsibilities during the daytime.

For more information, or if you are interested in using The Elms Outreach, please contact Joanne Barnard the Senior Day Service Officer for an informal CHAT or to arrange a visit.

Contact Details


Joanne Barnard

Job Title/Position

Senior Day Service Officer

Telephone Number

0161 767 9233 078 8186 0602

Email Address


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 5th June 2020

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