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The Marriage Course

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

The Marriage Course

0 Reviews

The Marriage Course is a seven week course that we run once or twice a year for couples who want to strengthen their relationship, and learn valuable tools that they can carry with them throughout their married life.

The Marriage course is a DVD led course from the same church that started Alpha – Holy Trinity Brompton – and is based on The Marriage Book by Nicky and Sila Lee. They run the talks on the DVD and couples get a manual each which they can follow and complete exercises that only they as a couple discuss. There are no group discussions and couples are sat wide enough apart that they don’t cannot overhear others conversations. For more information go to

I’m happily married, isn’t it just for people with “problems”?

Of course, the marriage course is beneficial to those who are going through issues, or tough times, but it is also something that will benefit all couples in a long term relationship. It provides tools preparing you for trials that may arise in the future – as they inevitably will.

Life is tough, and we all go through seasons of hardships and good times in our lives and in our marriages. Why not be prepared, and take that step in making sure your relationship is ready for whatever life throws at you?


Contact Details


Stephen Gaskell

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Telephone Number

01706 821677


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Bury & Local Area

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Last updated 5th June 2020

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