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The Woodies - Men in sheds

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

The Woodies - Men in sheds

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If you would like to assist us get our new site ready in Radcliffe please email us.

The group is aimed at reducing social isolation in men over 18. Whether it be through job loss, bereavement, caring responsibilities or depression we are here with a brew and a listening ear. We were originally funded by Groundwork Ambition for Ageing and have since received funding from Bury MBC The Pitch, Forever Manchester. 

We have many bench tools and hand tools. We also have a woodturning lathe.So therefore people must be able left alone to work tools after being shown.Due to health and safety and our community group insurance we may not be able to accomodate some people.

We make various items for example planters, bird boxes, bat boxes, bird tables etc. all from recycled wood.

You can work on a project of your own using your own materials however,use our tools for a donation to the group

We take orders and will make any item requested. We are available to make raised bed planters etc. for other community groups.

All monies made are returned to the group for overheads.

For more information please contact the Beacon Service.

Contact Details


Colin Harrison

Job Title/Position

Volunteer Leader

Mobile Number


Telephone Number



Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Monday 10- 2 mixed group ( except Bank hols ) Tuesday 10 a.m to 2 p.m Men only

Time of Day

Monday Tuesday

Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

Costs if person wishes to work on their on project to cover costs of use of tools Must provide own materials Wood,screws,nails etc


Referral Notes

However, attendees must be able to work alone or with the team or with minimal supervision.

We have disabled access toilet facilities and access at the Radcliffe base. 

This group is led by a group of volunteers.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing


Art and Craft activities

Links for information

Last updated 13th June 2023

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