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Tiddlywinks Nursery School

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Tiddlywinks Nursery School

0 Reviews

Tiddlywinks nursery school is committed to work in partnership with parents/carers, providing flexible, affordable and professional care for all children and their families resulting in the best possible outcomes. Dedicated to maintaining happiness, in the safest and loving environment. We endeavor to deliver the highest quality of nursery care and education through play and stimulation, where children are valued and respected for their own ideas.

Before & After school care available on request

For details of our holiday club click here

We are part of the Brush Bus tooth brushing scheme Click here to find out more about the scheme. 

Tiddlywinks Nursery is signed up to Bury Council's Golden Apple Award Scheme and is accredited with the Gold Award. Click here to find out more about the scheme.


Contact Details


Lorraine Mitchell

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number


Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Monday- Friday, 7.30am until 630pm

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning

Session Information

52 Weeks per year exc Bank Holidays

Local Offer

Contact Name

Shauna McGuinn

Contact Email


Tiddlywinks Nursery School Local Offer

How do you identify special educational needs and disabilities? (SEND)

When a child initially starts with us we provide settling in sessions where the key person familiarises themselves with the child’s individual needs, interests and abilities. This is the initial opportunity for the parents to identify any SEN needs or disabilities with the key person so that these can be catered for.

 The parents and the key person complete an all about me form which covers the child's interests and initial starting point of development this will form the basis of our individual planning for that child. This key person completes regular observations that are then used to plan for each child around their individual needs and interests. These include interests from home and interests at nursery. The key person completes assessments on every child to identify any support that may be required.

These assessments are shared with the parents in their Childs online learning journal and the parents are encouraged to add their comments.

How do you involve parents/carers in identifying SEND?

 Parents are involved right from the start they help us to complete the child’s starting points and if they have any concerns they are shared at this point. Each term when we track the child’s development this information is shared with the parent via tapestry and if we have any concerns that the child is not making good progress in any area or is not meeting their milestones we will invite the parents in for a meeting to discuss our concerns and agree strategies to put in place at the setting and at home to support the child to make progress. If these strategies do not work we will gain permission from the parent/carer to refer the child to the relevant professionals. We feel parent partnership is very important and they will be invited to any meeting and discuss their feelings with the child’s key worker person and SENCO. We will support the families by sharing as much information as we can and helping them to implement strategies.

How will you help me to support my child’s learning and development?

We have a nursery SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) that has been trained through the local authority to support the key person, child and families to ensure that the child’s individual needs are met.

We have up to date policies and procedures in place which are reviewed regularly ensuring that our resources and environments are suitable and accessible for all.

The SENCO will work closely with the key person to differentiate resources, experiences and activities to support the child.

The nursery SENCO will work with the key person to provide personal plans for each individual child based around their abilities and interests.

The SENCO will liaise with other professionals (with the parents consent) such as Early Years Inclusion Officers, Speech and Language Therapists and Health Visitors to gain further advice in supporting each individual child.  The SENCO and the key person will work together to ensure that these targets and strategies are implemented.

The plans and activities will be reviewed by the key person, SENCO and the parents regularly to update plans and provide support for all children.

How will both you and I know my child is achieving the agreed outcomes?

Each term every child has a tracking assessment, this will tell us how they are progressing with their development and what the next steps will be. This will also determine if they are under or over achieving and what plans will be put in place to help achieve these outcomes. This information is then passed to key carers and parents/carers and an agreed action plan will be put in place with activities and strategies that both parties can work towards.

How do you adapt activities, resources and the learning environment for children with SEND?

The learning environment is inclusive to all children and is adapted where possible for each individual child taking in to account their needs. Activities are planned around each individual child's next steps in development and these will have resources that challenge all children.

How accessible is the early years setting environment both indoors and outdoors?

The setting is accessible outdoors by a ramp to the bottom floor and garden area.

Indoors ground floor is spacious and will allow wheel chair access to the 2 rooms that can be adapted to suit individuals.

How do you work with external agencies to support children with SEND?

We have been involved in the SEND programme with the local authority which has enabled us to become more familiar with the local SEND team. We work closely with them to support any children with SEND.

How do you support children starting and leaving the setting?

All children that enrol with us have settling in sessions for us to gain knowledge about the child and family and also for the child and family to become familiar with us and the setting. During this time the parents will have a discussion with the Key carer with regards to development, routine, dietary requirements and likes and dislikes also what activities they like.

When transitioning to school the new setting will be invited in to visit the children where they may feel comfortable and in familiar surroundings. There will also be a transition report that will be sent to school and parents/carers.

How are staff trained regarding SEND?

Staff in the setting are trained with the local authority and have also been involved in SEND network meetings where they can liaise with other settings and gain knowledge with regards to specific needs.


Core Response Approved?


Childcare Information

Intending to provide 30 hours

Offer Tax Free Child Care

Wheelchair Access

Provide Pick Up / Drop Off Service

Cultural Provisions

Special Needs Provisions

Registered to receive 2 year old funded places?

Registered to receive 3/4 year old funded places?

Wheelchair Access Details

Ramps, large Doors, separate wide toilet

Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

Please contact us for further details on availability and costs.


Referral Notes

Different sessions available- 2& 3 year old funding

General Notes

Ofsted Information

  • OfSTED Reference: EY319256
  • Ofsted Grade: Good
  • Report

Service Information



Target Audiences:

Pre-school (0-5)

Links for information

Last updated 12th January 2022

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