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West Pennine Myeloma Support Group

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

West Pennine Myeloma Support Group

0 Reviews

The support group provides emotional and educational support for people with myeloma together with their carers, family and friends. 

We normally meet approximately every six weeks at the Fusilier Museum Moss Street Bury BL9 0DF alternating between Monday and Tuesday. Meetings start at 1.00 pm until 3.00pm.

At most meetings we have a speaker but there is always time to CHAT and share experiences. We always start with a cup of tea or coffee. Please see our website for up to date details.

Please look at our website, for up to date information about the group activities.

Contact Details


Joan Smith

Job Title/Position


Mobile Number

07808 659 798

Telephone Number

0161 766 4669


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Meet on Monday or Tuesday 1.00 -3.00

Days of the week

See website for dates

Time of Day


Session Information

Meetings start with a cup of tea or coffee, Details of the programme are on our website

Costs & Bookings


There is no cost for attending our meetings


Referral Notes

Anyone affected by myeloma is very welcome, patients, family, friends and carers

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing

Links for information

Last updated 28th April 2023

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