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Who Let The Dads Out

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Who Let The Dads Out

0 Reviews

Who Let the Dads Out is for Dads (and any male carers) with children 0-7 years. It is held on the first Saturday of each month from 9.30-11.30, and has a suggested donations of £1 per family.

We aim to provide a warm, friendly environment where Dads/Grandads etc. and children can relax and make and develop friendships. We have an assortment of toys and activities for the children, plus plenty of refreshments and hot and cold drinks on offer.

Contact Details


David Brummitt

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

01706 821677


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Links for information

Last updated 5th June 2020

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