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The Bury Carers Strategy

The Bury Carers Strategy

The Bury Carers Strategy reveals what a range of carers and those who depend on carers have told us matters to them, along with many partner organisations in the local health, Social Care and voluntary sector who frequently support carers.

The updated Bury Carers Strategy sets out our 3-year commitment and has been produced by the Bury Carers Strategy Group and developed on the 8 emerging themes that mean the most to carers. The Bury Carers Strategy Group have also taken learning from national, regional and GM priorities. The Bury Carers Strategy Group is responsible for the implementation and oversight of the Strategy and associated Action Plan. 

We will continue to take into account what carers tell us is important to them when reviewing, redesigning or delivering Carer services and support.

  • Bury Carers Strategy

2022 - 2025

Market Position Statement

This publication is one of a series of Market Position Statements and marks the start of conversations with Providers and potential Providers, to encourage new ideas and to welcome any proposals of doing things differently.

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