The Bury Money Advice Referral Tool (MART)
The Bury Money Advice Referral Tool (MART)
The Bury Money Advice Referral Tool (MART)
What is MART?
The Bury Money Advice Referral Tool (MART) has been developed in partnership by Greater Manchester Poverty Action, Bury Council, local foodbanks, other voluntary groups, and people currently living in poverty.
The aim of the MART is to help organisations/professionals ensure that the people who are struggling financially maximise their income by accessing all the support that is available to them.
Money Advice Referral Tools have now been developed for six boroughs in Greater Manchester. This project is funded by The Trussell Trust, with additional support from stakeholders in localities.

Key Information at your Fingertips
For many frontline organisations helping people dealing with poverty, information on where to refer people for appropriate support and advice is not always easy to find. The MART simplifies this process by putting the key information at your fingertips.
The MART does this by guiding you through a conversation with a person about their financial difficulties so that you can confidently:
refer them onto an organisation which can help them maximise their income, and/or
refer them to an organisation that can provide advice/help on issues that may have caused their financial difficulties, or made those difficulties worse (such as their mental health)