Whitefield Food Banks
Whitefield Food Banks
Whitefield Food Banks
St Andrew’s Church Community Hub
Address: Mersey Drive, Hillock Estate, Whitefield, M45 8LA
Email: foodpantryhillock@gmail.com
Further Information:
Food Pantry for the local community which is the Hillock Estate, Whitefield
Open on a Wednesday 12.30pm to 3pm.
People can come along and register and if at the time we are full they are placed on a waiting list, most of our referrals have come through the local children’s centre and other known to us on the estate having built up some good relationships with other local groups, cllrs etc.
Food Pantry the cost is £3 a week
For this you receive about £15 worth of food, some toiletries, sanitary products, cleaning products etc.
The Good as New shop usually opens on a Monday and Wednesday morning 10am to 12noon,
Breakfast Club although we seek to give extras to our families during school holidays especially cereals etc.
Trust House Bury
Address: Metro Christian centre Parkhills Road Bury BL9 9AU
Further details:
Food pantry Tuesdays and Thursdays 10am- 12pm
Standard pantry £3 and family £5
Families can now use their Healthy Start Vouchers at the pantry.
Community café running for breakfast and lunch on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.