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Annual Reviews

Annual Reviews

An annual review is a meeting that takes place every year for children and young people who have an EHCP. It is a meeting to talk about all the progress you are making in school or college, the things that are going well, as well as anything that might not be going well, or that you need some more help with.

During the annual review, everyone will talk about the outcomes (goals for the future) that are in your EHCP. The meeting is a chance to talk about whether an EHCP is still needed to help you and whether any changes should be made to the EHCP (for example, if your interests have changed, you need more, less or a different kind of help with something, or your goals for the future have changed).

From Year 9 onwards, the annual review will include a focus on Preparing for Adulthood – thinking about all the things that will help you become more independent as you get older. You can find out more about preparing for adulthood by clicking here.

Who attends an annual review?

It is up to you and your parents/carers (if under the age of 16) who you would like to invite to your annual review. It is also up to you whether you want to attend your annual review in person or not. That decision should always be yours. If you decide that you do not want to attend the meeting in person, you can still share your views, thoughts, and ideas about how things are going and what is important to you before the meeting. There are lots of different ways to do this, including asking someone else to share your views for you. Some ideas to help you share your views are included in the ways I can share my views section. You may also find this resource helpful, how to share your view for your Annual Reviewclick here to access.

Other people who might attend your annual review include your teacher(s) or tutor, SENCo and other professionals who know you or work with you (e.g. an Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist or Social Worker). Someone from the SEN Team may also be invited so that they can listen to everyone's ideas about any possible changes to your EHCP.

Preparing for an annual review

The SENCo or another adult in school or college will talk to you about your annual review. Remember, it is your choice if, and how, you would like to take part. The SENCo, or a key adult you work with often, will discuss ways that you might share your views, or ask you how you would like to be supported if you would like to attend the meeting in person (you might want to attend for all, or only part of the meeting, and that's ok!)

There are lots of different ways to share your views, and some ideas have been included here: Ways I can share my views. The SENCo will usually contact other people to invite them to the annual review, or ask them to send any up-to-date reports/information if they cannot come to the meeting. The SENCo will find a room or space for the meeting, where everyone will feel comfortable.

If you have any questions about the meeting, or things you would like to talk about at the meeting, then talk to or show an adult either at home or in school/college. You may also find this resource helpful, How to Share your view for your Annual Review click here to access.

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