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Be honest and open

Be honest and open

  • Be honest and open with parents/carers about the support in place for children and young people, and how systems and processes around SEND work . Ensure understanding and manage expectations around SEND support in your setting and timeframes, so that everyone understands what is happening, when and why (the Parent/carer section of the Graduated Approach Toolkit has resources that you can use to support this).

  • It is not possible to get things right all the time; acknowledging mistakes and saying sorry if things go wrong is important. SENCOs shared that it is important to never give up on building relationships and connections with families.

  • An 'open door' policy helps create a welcoming and open ethos and supports parents/carers to feel confident to share ideas and concerns.

  • Parents/carers tell us that it is important to work together to find a compromise wherever possible.

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