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Bury Adult Social Care Market Position Statements

Bury Adult Social Care Market Position Statements

  • Bury Adult Social Care Market Position Statements

Purpose of the Bury Adult Social Care suite of Market Position Statements

The aim of the suite of Bury Adult Social Care Market Position Statements (MPS) is to bring together information, data and evidence about the local market so current and prospective Providers understand the local context, what is likely to change and where opportunities might arise in the future.


We are committed to working collaboratively with our Providers, partners and Bury residents to design and deliver creative service solutions and options which meet people’s needs. We have produced these MPS’s to outline to our partners and public:

  • The current state of the relevant markets in Bury for people with social care needs.

  • The strategic context in which we are working.

  • To outline our commissioning priorities intentions.

  • Describe the current demand and future projections


The MPS documents are for both existing and potential Providers, with the purpose of helping them to shape their business plans to support the council’s vision for the future of adult social care services and support. It will help Providers to:

  • Identify opportunities that they may tender for.

  • Develop their services to meet local need and demand.

  • Come up with innovative solutions to the challenges currently in relation to housing needs both now and in the future in Bury.

  • Align services, support and developments to the priority groups in the borough.


The MPS’s are also for our communities, including people who need care and support, their family and carers, to determine whether the types of services and support we are seeking are what people need.


These documents are also aimed at our voluntary community and faith groups who make a key contribution to building and maintaining individual and community independence. We hope these partners, who may or may not deliver commissioned services, will be able to use the MPS’s to understand how their offers can support people with additional needs.


We hope this document is useful to our health colleagues, who will be crucial partners in ensuring appropriate health interventions are delivered alongside social care interventions.


  • Introduction

  • Adult Carers

  • Adult Social Care Provider Market

  • Housing for those with Additional Needs

  • Learning Disability and/or Autism

  • Mental Health

  • Older People and Ageing Well

  • Physical Disabilities

  • Prevention and Wellbeing

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