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Bury Virtual School for Cared for Children Training

Bury Virtual School for Cared for Children Training

  • Qualified SENCOs within the team, and all the Virtual School Team hold the TISUK L5 Diploma in Trauma and Mental-Health informed practice.

  • Fund training in Attachment and Trauma for all Bury schools (via Trauma-informed Schools UK); they offer a 3 hour or 6 hour CPD.

  • Can provide bespoke training for your staff (or TAs) on any aspects of ACEs, trauma, FASD, ADHD, autism, cognition and learning needs, SLCN etc.

  • Can provide training for parents/carers on positive parenting, PACE approaches at home, supporting play at home etc.

  • Run termly Forums for Designated Teachers and attend the DSL networks.

  • If you'd like to be kept up to date with the Virtual School Team’s offers for schools please email to be added to the mailing list. 

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