11-15 years
11-15 years
Welcome to the 11-15 years area of the SEND Local Offer Bury.
Within this section you will find information, guidance and advice on a wide range of topics including Employment, Training and Work Experience, Education and Leisure.
Use the category options to browse the site or search the SEND Local Offer using keywords. The results pages will show any related advice and information in a box at the top of the page and services are listed below.
If you would like to feedback on the site and its content there is the 'Feedback on SEND Local Offer Bury' section on the SEND Local Offer page.
Bury2gether- The parent carer forum in Bury is Bury2gether. IASS - Bury's SENDiass...
Elms Bank School - Bury's specialist High School is Elms Bank....
Click here to explore more information and documents on Employment, Training and Work Experience (11 - 15 years)
For further information on health conditions, visit the 'Conditions' section on...
School and College Transport Team - Bury transport team provide travel arrangements...