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Welcome to the Activities & Things To Do In Bury area of The Bury Directory’s Leisure & Recreation In Bury section.

This area of the Directory is designed to help Bury residents who are searching for new hobbies and pastimes or seeking local opportunities to socialise or learn a new skill. The links on this page include opportunities that are relevant to individuals of all ages and abilities.

The available activities fall into the following categories:

 If you can’t find what you are looking for in any of the sections mentioned above, you can also check our Other Activities Information page for other options.

Please note: some of the regular activities listed in the above sections may have been postponed or changed due to COVID-19. The information via each individual link is maintained and updated independently.

We also have a Leisure & Day Activities in Bury section in our Adult Care & Disability Services section for adult Bury residents with additional needs.

You can also get in touch with The Bury Directory using a quick and easy contact form.

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