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Co-production of Policies

Co-production of Policies

Co-producing policies together with staff, parents/carers and children and young people help to ensure that policies and procedures reflect the needs and views of the whole community. It allows a shared vision to be developed and communicated.

Lots of Bury schools run parent/carer groups or events for parents/carers, such as regular coffee mornings, workshops on different topics. Staff at St Joseph's have an active termly Parent's Voice group where all parents are invited into school.  These sessions range from being an informal coffee morning, where parents get chance to meet some of the key staff in school who can direct them to support that they may need or just an opportunity to form relationships with other parents who are experiencing similar situations.

Parent buddy systems have also been very successful in this school, where staff have linked parents in similar situations and they have been a great support to these families.

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