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Cognition and Learning Assessments KS1

Cognition and Learning Assessments KS1

Cognition & Learning Assessments - KS1


  • BPVS-III (British Picture Vocabulary Scale)


Understanding and Use of Language

  • WellComm


Multi Area Assessments

  • Ravens

  • WRAT-5 (Wide Range Achievement Test)

  • WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test)

  • Dyslexia Portfolio

  • Lucid Rapid

  • Lucid LASS

  • Lucid CoPS

  • CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test)

  • SNAP (Special Needs Assessment Profile)



  • TOMAL-2 (Test of Memory and Learning)

  • Digit Memory Test



  • RAN/RAS (Rapid Automatized Naming and Alternating Stimulus Tests)

Phonics/Phonological Awareness

  • Assessments within interventions such as Letters and Sounds/Read, Write, Inc

  • PhAB (Phonological Assessment Battery)

  • CTOPP2 (Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing)



  • Test with KS1/2 word lists and High Frequency Words

  • Diagnostic Spelling Tests

  • NGST (New Group Spelling Test)

  • British Spelling Test Series

  • NFER Spelling Tests



  • Running Record

  • PM Benchmark Reading Assessment Resource Kit

  • Salford Sentence Reading and Comprehension Test Edition 5

  • YARC (York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension)

  • Early YARC (York Assessment of Reading for Comprehension)

  • NGRT (New Group Reading Test)

  • Diagnostic Reading Analysis

  • Salford Sentence Reading and Comprehension Test Edition 5


  • DASH (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting)

  • Handwriting Legibility Scale

  • Writing Speed Assessment


  • TOWL-4 (Test of Written Language)

  • 6+1 Trait Rubric


Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Motor Skills United

  • Jump Ahead

  • Coordination Matters



  • Dyscalculia Screener and Dyscalculia Guidance

  • Sandwell Early Numeracy Test

  • Progress Test in Maths

  • Rising Stars NTS (National Test-style) assessments


Visual Perception

  • TVPS-4 (Test of Visual Perceptual Skills)


Auditory Processing

  • TAPS-3 (Test of Auditory Processing Skills)



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