Communication and Interaction (Post 16)
Communication and Interaction (Post 16)
Communication and Interaction (Post 16)
Communication & Interaction
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pellentesque metus tortor, eget malesuada risus feugiat nec. Nunc et efficitur sapien, at ornare mi. Praesent risus ipsum, cursus in condimentum a, sollicitudin non augue. Cras id dolor sit amet nunc laoreet volutpat at vel nibh. Donec at rutrum erat. Vivamus at viverra lectus. Mauris dignissim suscipit faucibus. Nulla mollis justo sed est sodales finibus. Mauris ut sem vulputate, sodales lectus vitae, rutrum nisl. Phasellus est ipsum, eleifend faucibus feugiat eget, bibendum in est. Quisque dolor nisl, mollis molestie sodales vel, tincidunt a neque. Suspendisse nec ultricies est, sed suscipit orci. Sed dapibus mauris ac est tincidunt hendrerit. Sed quis erat erat.
Communication And Interaction (Post 16)
Identifying Needs
what you might see in the classroom
Communication And Interaction (Post 16)
Assessment Tools
you can use to assess children’s strengths and needs in this area
Communication And Interaction (Post 16)
Top Tips
for developing an Inclusive Learning Environment
Communication And Interaction (Post 16)
for parents/carers, children and young people
Meeting Needs: Supporting Identified needs through a Graduated Approach
Strategies are organised under three headings using the Thrive Framework:
Getting Advice (Adjustments in the Classroom)
Getting Help (Targeted/ Group Interventions)
Getting More Help (Specialist or 1:1 Interventions)
Strategies are suggestions and not a tick list and it should be the case that some children just need the first section and others need the first two and others need all three.
Hyperlinks have been included to make it easy to locate information about suggested approaches and interventions. The intervention Overview page details information and costings for each intervention per Key Stage.