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Communication & Interaction Assessment Tools (KS1)

Communication & Interaction Assessment Tools (KS1)

  • Observation

  • Continuous formative assessment

  • Elklan Language Builders resources

  • The Communication Trust’s Universally Speaking ages and stages guidance - Universally Speaking is a series of booklets for anyone who works with children and young people. The booklets show where children should be with their communication skills at any given age. You can use the booklets to find out whether the children you work with are on the right track, what helps them learn to talk and listen and what to do if you have concerns about any of their communication abilities.

  • Use of specific screening tools, such as the free ICAN Talking Point Progress Tracker. These free Progress Checkers have been written by speech and language therapists. They are based on typical developmental milestones from 6 months to 11 years. Their resources can help you identify signs of a child who is struggling to communicate, so you can ensure they get the support they need.

  • WellComm assessment (6 months – 11 years) - WellComm Early Years and the WellComm Primary toolkits enable you to identify children needing speech and language support, and come with an age-appropriate ‘Big Book of Ideas’ providing a total of around 150 instant, play-based activities.

  • NELI (Nuffield Early Language Intervention, Reception aged)

  • Use of EYFS guidance and Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ).

  • Test of Abstract Language Comprehension (TALC) assessment is based on the Blank level model and helps to assess and develop the understanding and verbal reasoning skills of all primary-aged children who experience difficulty understanding what is said to them.

  • PIVATS (Performance Indicators for Valued Assessment and Targeted Learning).

  • Phonology Screeners can help identify difficulties with phonological awareness (e.g. Speech Sound Inventory - Black Sheep Press).

  • British Picture Vocabulary Scale (BVPS) can be used to assess vocabulary development and identify any delay in language development.

  • ASD in the Early Years a practical resource which includes an Observation Profile for early interaction, communication and play skills which can be used to baseline and monitor skill development over time.

  • AET Progression Framework - An interactive assessment tool to supports practitioners to identify learning priorities, set key learning intentions, and track progress for autistic children.

  • Coventry Grid – Grid to help explore autism and/or attachment related needs.

  • Phonology Screeners can help identify difficulties with phonological awareness.

  • EAL Assessment Framework – This assessment tool can be useful in assessing skills and proficiency in English and monitoring progress the progress of children who are learning English as an Additional Language (EAL).

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