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Expressive Language - Getting Help (KS1)

Expressive Language - Getting Help (KS1)

Provide an environment in which children are surrounded by spoken and written words and inspired to learn them using multi-modal approaches (e.g. key words highlighted on the board and in worksheets to remind the children to check their vocab sheet).


Ensure access to a range of communication opportunities, so children can contribute in different ways or across contexts and in relation to different topics (e.g. including those they are more confident/interested in).


Teach specific vocabulary, such as ‘word of the day/week’ and support new vocabulary use and understanding within the classroom by referring back to it often. 


Provide access to small group interventions, for example:


Tales Toolkit An online package of resources to develop children’s skills in story development and sequencing in small groups.


Colourful Stories (ELKLAN) a visual support strategy which helps children to learn about the structure of stories and to become more confident about telling and writing stories. Colourful Stories encourages oral-narrative skills and introduces written words only when the child is confident about how to structure and tell a story orally.


Talk Boost KS1 a targeted intervention for 4- to 7-year-olds with a language delay, which aims to narrow the language gap between them and their peers.


Language for Thinking an approach aimed at developing the verbal reasoning and thinking skills of children aged 4-11 through drawings, written scenarios, and questions.


Colourful semantics  an approach aimed at helping children to develop their grammar by linking the structure of a sentence (syntax) and its meaning (semantics).


Looking and Thinking workbooks aim to support children with delayed language skills, or who have English as an additional language, to develop verbal reasoning skills. The workbooks include photocopiable worksheets, illustrations and differentiated question prompts.


Infant Language Link to support children (4-8 years old) with mild to moderate language and communication needs, and those new to English.


Talking Maths  a 10-week intervention programme that targets speaking and listening skills in the context of mathematical language.


Speaking and Listening through Narrative is a useful intervention to support the development of oral language skills.

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