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Drugs and Self Care

Drugs and Self Care

When they first use a drug, people may perceive what seem to be positive effects and may believe they can control their use. However, drugs can quickly take over a person's life. Over time, if drug use continues, the person may feel like they have to take the drug just to feel “normal.” Some people may start to feel the need to take more of a drug or take it more often, even in the early stages of their drug use; these are the signs of an addiction. Drug use can lead to addiction, health issues, mental health effects, injuries, overdose, unpredictable behaviour, relationship issues and financial problems.

The best way to minimise your risk from drugs is not to use them. Failing that, find out as much information as you can about any drugs you're using, including the risks, the potential for addiction and what happens when you mix one drug with another or with alcohol. Such information can be found at Talk to Frank.

Help and advice can be found through health professionals such as your GP and pharmacist, as well as your local substance misuse treatment providers in Bury, such as Achieve (adults) and Early Break (children and young people).

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