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Early reviews following a change in need

Early reviews following a change in need

  • An Annual Review can be held earlier than it is due. Schools or settings, parents/carers or young people (over 16) can request this. Typically, an early Annual Review is requested if it is felt that there has been a significant change in the young person's needs, or the support required to meet their needs.

  • If a child or young person is at significant risk of exclusion or has been excluded from school, a review meeting is also a good opportunity to formally consider their needs.

Top tips and things to consider when holding Annual Reviews

Experienced SENCOs and other professionals highlight the following points as important considerations when planning and holding an Annual Review:

  • Ensure adequate time for planning, organising and completing relevant paperwork following the Annual Review. Invite all relevant professionals who have had recent involvement (last 12 months); it may be helpful to think ahead about these arrangements at the start of the year (e.g. during planning meetings with outside agencies).

  • Ensure communication and accessibility of information (e.g. written text) has been considered for all participants. Ensure an interpreter is provided if required (using a professional service rather than a family member or family friend) and consider the use of visuals or other alternative communication methods where appropriate. Ask parents/carers whether there is anyone they would like to invite to the meeting to support them, this might be an advocate working with the family, a friend or a relative.

  • Ensure all attendees can contribute to relevant parts of the review. At the start of the meeting, it can be helpful to clarify that it is a group process, and all attendees are bringing their own skills and expertise to draw upon in the meeting. Using visual methods (e.g. MAP or PATH – see person-centred planning information) can help make the process collaborative. Information for children and young people about contributing their views for an Annual Review can be accessed here.

  • Spend time with children and young people and/or parents/carers ahead of the Annual Review to explain the process and ensure that reports and information have all been shared ahead of the meeting in a way that is accessible. If there have been any particular difficulties or issues, parents/carers must be made aware of concerns outside of and in advance of the Annual Review, and for this information to not be shared for the first time within the context of a multi-agency meeting.

  • Have relevant paperwork and reports from the last 12 months available, this can help to clarify a timeline of events if necessary (e.g. appointments attended) and plans for future involvement (e.g. if a re-referral is required after a missed appointment).

  • Celebrate positives and successes, such as sharing examples of children and young people's work or extra-curricular achievements.

  • Ensure attendees are familiar with the outcomes and objectives and how the educational setting has worked with the young person and their family to make progress towards these outcomes.

  • The Annual Review is the opportunity to revisit, refine and revise the outcomes and provision within the EHCP to ensure it is effective in supporting the young person to meet their potential. This should include a detailed discussion about how the provision detailed in the plan has been implemented and the impact it has had in meeting the outcomes and objectives. If something is not working or no progress has been made, it is important to explore the reasons why (e.g. are there barriers to provision being successfully implemented? Is a different approach or type of support needed?) Having these discussions during a multiagency meeting leads to a collaborative approach to planning provision that draws on the expertise within the room to improve the support plan for the coming year.

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