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Emotional Regulation - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Emotional Regulation - Getting Advice (SEMH KS3)

Create a calm, positive and nurturing classroom environment.


Offer whole school training to support staff in de-escalation techniques.


Embed whole class approaches to teaching emotional regulation strategies, e.g. .b mindfulness in schools project.


Use emotional validation strategies when young person is upset, angry or distressed, e.g. Emotion Coaching approach.  See EPS for more detail.


Discuss and model feelings and emotions often, using a wide vocabulary of feelings and emotions words.  Staff to model that getting things wrong is ok.


Create displays focused on developing emotional vocabulary.


Ensure consistent rules and routines across the school.  Ensure there is flexibility built in to support those with additional needs.

·         Rules should be in the form of a positive statement. Avoid rules framed as negative statements.

·         Rules need to be stated clearly.

·         Minimise your list of rules (3 -5 rules).


Other whole school approaches may include:

·         Provision of a safe space/area young people can access to support their emotional regulation area.

·         Sensory breaks/sensory diets.

·         Opportunities for daily mindfulness.

·         Emoji card/time out cards.


Key visuals e.g. visual timetables.


Build mutually respectful relationships and talk to the CYP (T and S).


EWOW - emotional word of the week assembly.


Feeling thermometers.


RAG behaviour system - allow to get 'back on track' at any point.


Predictable calm learning environments.


Brain gym.


Coping skills and developing resilience sessions (what works).


Sensory circuits.


Running/walking a daily mile at the start of the day. It can really help regulate young people before going into a lesson.


Personal Development lessons focusing on coping strategies.


Three Houses Activity - writing worries, likes and dreams.


Assign keyworkers.


Individual workstations.

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