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Employment - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Employment - Getting Advice (KS 3&4)

Provide clear guidance around subject option choices and how these may relate to young people’s interests and aspirations for the future.

Opportunities for young people to explore different careers. All young people have access to impartial and quality careers advice.


Sessions for young people to understand the requirements of education, employment and training after school.


Opportunities for work experience, including tasters in the workplace and building up to young people spending more time with support where this is needed.


Visits from a range of different employers within the community to offer talks, drop-in sessions, “a day in the life” information etc.


Ensure that young people know the range of routes into employment and education (e.g. through supported internships, volunteering, work shadowing, apprenticeships, part time work and entrepreneurship).


Consider completing strengths based personal and vocational profiles with young people. Example vocational profiles can be found here and here, with guidance on how to complete these provided through this link.  This Workbook is to accompany a vocational profile.  


Encourage and support student advocacy, e.g. encouraging students to be able to articulate their needs and abilities. Help young people to think about their strengths, interests and qualities resources such as Like and Admire may be helpful.


Consistent enterprise opportunities and programs within school.


Links are made with supportive employment organisations.


Resources such as What Matters Island guidance on this document can be found through National Development Team for Inclusion


Frequent careers and jobs fairs within school.


Visits from post-16 providers to discuss their settings, discuss transition and the courses available at their setting.


Encourage attendance at open days and tours of post-16 settings.


Signposting to organisations such as Youth Employment UK


Use of resources such as Skills Builder Universal Framework

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