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Employment - Getting Help (KS 3&4)

Employment - Getting Help (KS 3&4)

Use of tools such as the Vocational Profile Workbook to accompany profiles that young people may complete.

When I Grow Up – Work Profile and Facilitator’s Handbook session guides can be found here.


Where it is recognised that the young person is likely to have care needs upon leaving the setting, the SEND Lead should inform the young person and parent/carer, of the adult social care transition assessment and support them in accessing assessment.


Access to small group or one-to-one sessions focused on employability skills and careers workshops.


Monitoring and support to ensure competence to travel independently.


Access to small group support and programmes focused on developing functional literacy and numeracy skills. 


Person-centred career guidance to support the young person with opportunity awareness, decision making and developing career ideas.


Meaningful work experience with support provided for the young person and employers.


Work experience placements in mental health informed workplaces with a high level of awareness of mental health needs that has translated into support and practice.

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