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English as an Additional Language (KS4)

English as an Additional Language (KS4)

If young people are learning English as an additional language, it is important to work with parents/carers to find out what their skills in their home language are like. These young people may need specific strategies in place to support their understanding of English and their learning (e.g. use of visuals to support their understanding), but it should not be assumed that they have a special educational need.


If a young person has not been exposed to English previously, they may be ‘silent’ for a period of time (up to a year). Although the young person may not be speaking English, they are watching, actively listening and tuning in, developing new meanings. 


Keep talking to the young person, picking up on non-verbal responses and include them in activities and experiences. Racing to English and The Inclusion Hub have some useful activities to support young people who are new to English | RACING TO ENGLISH | INTRODUCTION Inclusion Hub


This assessment tool can be useful in assessing proficiency in English and monitoring progress EAL Assessment Framework - The Bell Foundation (

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