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English - Getting Advice (Adjustments) KS2

English - Getting Advice (Adjustments) KS2

Use of evidence-based approaches to teaching literacy (e.g. Education Endowment Foundation Improving Literacy in Key Stage 2 guidance report).


In the co-production of this document, Sencos suggested interventions and approaches below:

Collaborative learning and peer tutoring approaches (e.g. Paired Reading, Cued Spelling).


Reading buddy/peer support/joint learning.


Kagan Structures and mixed-ability groups.


Class literacy programmes which can be differentiated for individuals e.g.:

Achieve 3000 (KidzBiz3000 for KS2) – a family of online literacy interventions to improve reading, writing and critical thinking skills. 


Whole class engagement with an appropriately pitched non-fiction text about a particular issue each day (reading, answering questions, giving opinions and linked writing task).


Ensure that Literacy skills are embedded throughout the curriculum (e.g. SMSC lessons).

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