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Expressive Language - Getting Advice (KS3)

Expressive Language - Getting Advice (KS3)

Encourage the young person to show you (whether physically, gestures, pictures or written) if you are struggling to understand their message. Provide encouragement and reassurance that you’re trying to understand.


Provide an environment in which young people are surrounded by spoken and written words and inspired to learn them using multi-modal approaches (e.g. key words highlighted on the board and in worksheets to remind the young people to check their vocab sheet).


Introduce and display new topic vocabulary. Use word webs and vocabulary maps as a whole class when learning new vocabulary (see the Receptive Language section for more guidance on vocabulary development).


Use story planners/narrative grids to support story re-telling or giving a personal narrative. Encourage young people to give personal narratives or news in small groups (e.g. ELKLAN Secondary Language Builders).  Use graphic organisers to support the planning of writing.


Support the development of young people’s oracy skills by modelling expectations, having discussion guidelines and considering grouping and use Talk Tactics to build on others ideas. Hot-seating and drama exercises may support some young people to develop their expressive language skills.

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