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Expressive Language - Getting Help (KS4)

Expressive Language - Getting Help (KS4)

Allow additional time to process and respond if needed. For example, if multiple instructions are given, pace these. Or if a young person is feeling stressed or overwhelmed, pause and reduce communication.

Be aware that rephrasing your comment will mean they need to begin processing it again.


Additional adult support to contribute to group activities using a range of communication methods (e.g. gesture, vocalisations, instruments, visuals) alongside/instead of spoken language.


Pre-teach key vocabulary and support generalisation to the classroom (e.g. have worksheets with key vocabulary on their desks, which they can refer to, use of word webs to promote experiential language learning).


Make use of Talking Mats to support a young person to express their feelings and views.


Use of intervention programmes within a small group:


Follow the Word Aware vocabulary STAR (Select, Teach, Activate, Review) approach in content-rich subjects: Select the really useful vocabulary that is from the topic or class text. Teach the selected vocabulary in a structured manner. Activate the meaning by using the words in context and linking the word to the young person’s existing knowledge. Review the taught words to ensure they are retained.


Vocabulary programs such as Bed Rock Learning are available, which track a young person’s progress and have specific topic vocabulary available.


Access resources and activities on CommTap.


Talk for Writing is a teaching framework that enables young people to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it and then writing their own version.


Secondary Language Link includes a teacher training package, assessment, and targeted interventions for KS3.


Narrative Intervention Program to improve the story telling skills of young people in secondary school.


Black Sheep Press:

Secondary Talk Narrative KS3 – KS4 Creating Superhero Stories – Narrative KS3


The Brick by Brick programme by Play Included uses Lego to develop social connection and interaction and can help develop expressive language within a structured activity.


I CAN’s Talk for Work intervention supports young people to develop the communication skills needed for the workplace.

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