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Fine Gross Motor - Getting More Help (KS1)

Fine Gross Motor - Getting More Help (KS1)

Seek advice from the appropriate health profession should the child have a diagnosis that affects their participation in activities. 


Undertake Co-ordination Matters activities and record outcomes Upload ‘Bury coordination matters observation checklist’ document


Request involvement from external services e.g. Occupational Therapy (OT)/Physiotherapy (PT) services.


Inclusion of OT/PT on any reviews and planning meetings for the child. 


Ensure any suggested specialist advice from OT/PT is shared with all staff and incorporated into the child’s IEP or SEN Support Plan. 


Allocated key person with time to adapt resources, attend training and conduct individual work. 


SENDCo to support the key person in planning, using differentiated activities and more specialist strategies/resources to support the child. 


Early consideration and planning for transition through school or to alternative settings.

Consider the need to differentiate physical curriculum and need to incorporate OT/PT exercises or use of equipment such as standing frames or walkers into everyday routines, general class and/or PE lessons.

Workshops on providing an inclusive PE curriculum are available: Inclusive PE Training Portal


Incorporate moving and handling plans and care plans into planning, as advised by professionals.


Ensure any plans are meeting need. Request a review should any aspects change.  


Ensure any specialist equipment continues to meet the child’s needs and contact relevant OT/PT/liaise with family regarding any repairs or alterations.  


Carry out risk assessments on a regular basis and incorporate any actions and strategies into planning. Create an individual safety plan and personal evacuation plan.  


Carry out lessons on ground floor if there is no suitable access to classrooms on upper floors.


Consider adaptations required in practical lessons e.g. ovens in cookery to be wheelchair accessible.


Make advised adaptations to the school environment e.g. changing plinths/ramps/hoists.


Consider space needed to accommodate specialist equipment e.g. walker or standing frame.


Ensure access to specialised seating and/or height adjustable tables.


Good communication between school, professionals, and parent/carers to ensure consistency and availability of necessary equipment and resources at school and home. 


Consider if Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)is required and begin process of application. 

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