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General - Getting Advice & Help (SEMH KS3)

General - Getting Advice & Help (SEMH KS3)

Ensure the Top Tips for an inclusive learning environment are in place as part of Ordinarily Available Provision.


Embed whole school programmes and strategies to promote emotional health and wellbeing e.g. .bmindfulness, Lions Quest skills for Young people (11-16), R Time, Second Step (11-14).


Arrange relevant training for school staff from external support services where needed, including attachment/trauma, resilience and whole staff Mental Health training, e.g. Emotionally Friendly Settings.


Use effective assessment tools to identify an overall profile of emotional wellbeing at the whole school and classroom level, for example, from those that have been identified as effective measures for schools to use from the Education Endowment Foundation.


Obtain and record young person’s views through young people voice activities, e.g. Blob Tree.


Obtain and record parental information and views. These can include questionnaires, parents' evenings, assemblies and social media forums.


Use appropriate assessments to identify difficulties early, establish a greater understanding of the young person’s needs and inform appropriate referral to other services (examples are provided under specific needs below).


Set realistic targets and review termly in collaboration with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (SENCo), teaching staff and the young person/parents/carers where appropriate.  For example, use Individual Education Plans (IEPs), pupil profiles, behaviour support plans.


Implement appropriate interventions for young people with specific individual needs, e.g. anxiety-based difficulties and attachment difficulties (examples are provided under specific needs below).


Refer to relevant external agencies, e.g. Inclusion Support Team.


Use the Plan-Do-Review process to monitor the young person’s progress, alongside any external agencies' advice, whilst collating evidence of the impact of the strategies being used (refer to ‘Best Practice Walkthrough’ document).


Where the young person has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), refer to described outcomes and provision and implement.  Continue to use the Plan-Do-Review process against the specified outcomes and provision.  Regularly update with strategies as they are tried.  Complete Annual Review of EHC Plan (refer to ‘Best Practice Walkthrough’ document).


School culture - is it celebratory and accepting or punitive?


Whole school approaches. A lot can be achieved through setting the right tone, language and expectations within a school through policies - nurture v punitive.


Consistency in application of whole school promoting positive behaviour practice.


Whole school ethos - positive team spirit.


Increasing awareness of Emotional Intelligence of staff.


Training for staff around dealing with young people with SEMH needs.


Use of TEACCH methods to provide consistency for young people.


De-escalation training.


ACEs/Trauma based approach/awareness.


The IQM standards, particularly Supporting Emotional Health and Wellbeing standards.


Are there clear identifications of all needs - are unmet learning needs intervened with in a timely manner?


Youth Provision - developing social interaction with peers.


Access to community-based sessions - school and local area working together with their young people.


Are young people with SEMH supported by the SENCo as well as pastoral staff looking at behaviour?


Careers guidance sessions to give focus, purpose and direction.


Counsellors, young people can self-refer, can also self-refer to Mental Health Leads for ad hoc appointments.


Morning check ins.


Keyworker support.


Assertive Mentoring.


Specialist SEMH young people mentor.


Lawrence Dallaglio rugby group (Dallaglio RugbyWorks) come into school to run PE sessions with young people with SEMH needs.


PIVATs - milestones of emotional needs.


Signposting Young People to Kooth.




My Happy Mind.


Nurture groups.


Jigsaw programme.


Thrive assessment tool.


Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ).




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